More than 30 years of experience in radioactive waste management
The management of waste from nuclear activities is a key issue. The aim is to store only "final waste" in specialised centres in the country of the waste producer. "Final waste" is waste that has been optimally treated and cannot be recovered.
Cyclife France offers solutions for the management of very low to medium level radioactive waste, adapted to current needs and respectful of the environment.
From collecting waste from production sites to transporting it to its final repository, Cyclife France offers its customers a global service with the aim of:
- Significantly reducing the volume of waste,
- Recovering radioactive materials in compliance with regulations,
- Characterising and safely conditionnng final residues that are destined for the final repository centres.
In addition, Cyclife France develops innovative technical and industrial solutions to meet the challenges of processing various types of waste generated by producers.
Cyclife France is authorised to treat low-level radioactive waste from foreign producers under safety conditions identical to those applicable to the management of French waste. After treatment, the final waste is returned to the country of origin.
Cyclife France was set up in 1990, when the first French repository, called La Manche and operated by Andra, had reached the limits of its capacity.
Our Centraco facility, a unique industrial site in France

The Centraco (CENtre de TRAitement et de COnditionnement / Treatment and conditioning centre) site, operated by Cyclife France since 1999, is located in the south of France, next to the Marcoule industrial platform. It is the only industrial facility of its kind in France dedicated to the treatment of very low to intermediate level short-lived radioactive waste.
Centraco has the status of an INB (Basic Nuclear Installation), which enables it to offer its customers solutions for the treatment and packaging of materials and waste from nuclear activities (industrial, medical and research).
Through its incineration and melting processes, this industrial site treats very-low, low and medium level short-lived radioactive materials and waste with the aim of reducing their volume, recovering them where possible and characterising and packaging the residues in the form of final packages entrusted for final repository.
Our mobile units throughout France

Since the 1990s, Cyclife France has been designing, manufacturing and commissioning mobile units, operated by dedicated teams directly on its customers' production sites, to meet the most complex radioactive waste management requirements. This tailor-made solution is essential when the industrial process is easier to move than the material.
We currently have three mobile units at our customers' sites:
- Mercure, a mobile unit for ion exchange resin conditioning
- UM2B, a mobile unit for blocking radioactive sludge
- UMIS, a mobile on-site inspection unit
Our customers
In France:
