Solid engineering expertise
With its integrated engineering team, Cyclife France proposes advanced engineering solutions as well as innovative processes for the treatment of nuclear waste and materials.

Cyclife's team of experts and mastery of state-of-the-art technologies enable it to meet customers' needs, while ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.
Cyclife France's teams have the necessary know-how to allow special radioactive waste and materials to be handled, on the basis of advance studies, and by adapting processes as required.
Examples of Cyclife France engineering projects
Facility with a surface area of 18,000 metres, which can be extended on a modular basis to adapt to changes in the EDF Group's maintenance requirements.
Customer :
Placement into service: 2017
Overall project management from the design phase to placement into service on behalf of EDF.
Capabilities deployed:
Project management, regulatory analysis, management of material flows, handling, radiation protection, all-trades skills.
Design and construction at Centraco of a facility for dismantling large-size waste originating from nuclear power plants.
Placement into service: 2015
Management of design, fabrication, fitting and testing.
Capabilities deployed:
Project management, civil engineering, regulatory analysis, mechanical, process, radiation protection, ventilation.
Design and installation at Centraco of a transfer station for alpha-contaminated effluents.
Cyclife France
Placement into service: end of 2014
Management of design, fabrication, installation and testing.
Capabilities deployed:
Project management, regulatory analysis, mechanical, civil engineering, ventilation, electricity, handling, radiation protection, instrumentation and control (I&C).
Design and construction of two machines for encapsulation of primary ion exchange resins for use on nuclear sites.
1996 and 2001
Design, construction, and operation on a service-provision basis.
Capabilities deployed:
Project management, administrative analysis, process engineering, mechanical, I&C, electricity and fluids, radiation protection.
This know-how, combined with experience in the operation of specialised industrial processes for the treatment of radioactive waste and materials, enables Cyclife France to meet customers' needs, and propose new possibilities for handling waste before its dispatch to storage facilities.
These capabilities also allow Cyclife France to respond to national and international invitations to tender in the sector, either alone or in partnership with other experts.