Electrabel NPPs, Belgium

Electrabel is the operator of Nuclear Power Plants in Belgium, with a 2 NPP fleet (7 reactors) and is currently preparing its dismantling program. Electrabel chose an “immediate dismantling” strategy, in order to limit radiation exposure for staff and the population.
The objective is to optimize and to reduce the number of « nuclide vectors » to characterise nuclear waste and releasable waste
Our proposal
Cyclife Engineering has optimised a methodology for the development of spectra and ratios (scaling factors) allowing the radiological characterisation of facilities and the radiological classification of waste, from potentially « releasable » to highly activated waste.
Customer benefits
Feedback from EDF: methodology determined and implemented on the Chooz A NPP dismantling project currently underway. The process ranges from theoretical activation calculations to data from in-situ measurements (samples and finished packages after packaging). The issues are mainly related to radiological categorisation.
The validated methodology can then be presented by Electrabel to the Safety Authorities (FANC) and the Belgian entity responsible for waste management (ONDRAF) in order to obtain the approval for future dismantling operations.