EDF, ADELI Project, France

EDF's pressurised water reactor fleet provided load-following services to the grid, which resulted in greater wear and tear on the control rod guide tubes (CRGTs), compared to constant load operation. EDF therefore launched an extensive fleet replacement programme, producing up to 2,000 used CRGTs. Given the quantity of replaced CRGTs to be conditioned for its nuclear fleet, EDF is investing in a centralised storage and processing facility.
EDF aims to develop a centralised interim storage facility – So’Gard- and a dedicated treatment facility – ADELI – coupled with Cyclife France’s existing treatment and fusion assets.
Our proposal
Cyclife Engineering has performed the licensing of the new ADELI facility, considered as a “substantive” modification of the existing facility’s license.
Two regulatory dossiers have been achieved in order to meet the safety authority’s requirements –in accordance with Art. 48/56 of the “Arrêté INB”).
Customer benefits
Besides regulatory review, Cyclife Engineering realised:
- A radioprotection study of the impact of the used CRGT in the existing fusion process, such as radiological zoning and containment class re-assessed
- A re-assessment of the operational dose estimate
- More than 500 pages for both dossiers
- Update of existing regulatory documents:
- Safety report
- Operating rules
- Internal emergency plan
Representing 30+ documents per section