EDF, Heysham 2 Site, UK

In 2013, Cyclife UK deployed waste characterisation specialists to assist EDF’s Heysham 2 station in the completion of Waste Characterisation Forms (WCH).
WCH are vital documents that summarise characterisation information for various types of waste materials generated by nuclear facilities. These forms are critical tools in nuclear waste management, providing essential information to ensure the compliance for the disposal of radioactive materials.
The main challenge in this project was correctly combining the candle filter population into the routine waste stream. The characteristics of the legacy (or decay stored) waste had to be compared with the existing routine waste stream information to ensure the argument to incorporate the candle filters was sound, and that the combination method was suitable and defensible.
Our proposal
The project included several station operational waste stream WCHs with a key aspect of including a population of Low-Level Waste (LLW) candle filters into an existing stream. Cyclife UK’s Consultancy Services specialists compiled waste inventories based on previous consignment and activity assessment information and generated representative forecasts for waste arisings. LLW candle filters were assessed against the existing waste stream characterisation data to ensure compliance before being incorporated into the inventory.
WCH forms were updated and approved using the waste arising forecasts. This enabled the continued operation of site waste routes as well as the co-disposal of super-compacted LLW and LLW candle filters to the Low Level Waste Repository, thus opening up a route to disposal for the previously unallocated filters.
Customer benefits
By contracting Cyclife UK to update the station waste stream WCH forms, a capability gap was filled within the Heysham 2 ESG team, allowing them to provide more support to onsite demands. As a result of the training provided, WCH forms can now be generated and updated independently by Heysham 2 ESG resource.
Cyclife met and understood the needs and expectations of the project. Completing the WCH forms freed up time and resource, and the WCH training added capability to ESG. Availability and communication for Consultancy exceeded expectations.
Emily Richards, EDF Environmental Safety “Significant value was added by opening the route for disposal of our candle filters.”.
Following this success, Cyclife UK specialists were asked to design and deliver a WCH training course to Heysham 2 Environmental Safety Group (ESG) staff. The training consisted of two presentations which provided a detailed overview of the information required to complete the WCH form, and the development of the WCH Calculator Tool. The calculator tool had been generated and updated independently within the Heysham 2 ESG team.