Eric VILLATEL succeeds to Patrick FAURE at SOCODEI, 100% subsidiary of EDF, from September 1st, 2016.
Engineer of Supelec school and engineer in atomic engineering, Eric VILLATEL led a large part of his career in EDF nuclear production where he started in 1983 as method engineer in the nuclear division calculation. Since, he occupied numerous posts of expert, manager, in various domains as training, maintenance, quality or safety-security. He was director of the Flamanville nuclear power plant from 2007 till 2011 before joining the EDF Group Human Resources department as Responsible for the Diversity domain (integration of handicapped employees, professional equality,…), Organization and Life at work (quality of life at work, RSE,…). He worked in particular on the implementation of the agreement on the working time of EDF SA signed in 2016.
Eric VILLATEL, married and father of two children, is fascinated by mountain.
Eric VILLATEL wanted to underline:
“I am very happy to join the women and the men working within the various entities of SOCODEI to continue, together, the development of our company at the service of our customers needs”.