Thanks to continued growth in demand for metal recycling services in the UK, Cyclife has recently expanded its operations to a 7-day working pattern at its Metal Recycling Facility at Workington in Cumbria. The UK facility, acquired by EDF in 2016, has been in operation since 2009 and has seen a growth in demand for its services in the last two years from major UK nuclear players including LLWR, Sellafield, Magnox, Dounreay and EDF Energy.
This change necessitated the recruitment and training of additional operators and technical support staff – a change which was successfully implemented in January 2019. This change has recently been recognised in the following article on the UK Government Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/llwr-and-sellafield-contracts-help-cyclife-thrive
Following the publication of this news, Bertrand Martelet Chairman of Cyclife UK, commented “We are delighted to have been able to make this increase in our operational capacity as a result of a positive contracting environment with key customers in the UK notably LLWR and Sellafield. We have a strong commitment to our UK base in West Cumbria and the wider mission to provide the best environmental solutions for the clean-up and recycling of metallic waste from the nuclear industry.”
Cyclife holds a framework contract for recycling metallic scrap metals with LLWR which enables the delivery and treatment of waste from all major UK nuclear facilities. This is enhanced by a waste route to Cyclife in Sweden which can be utilised for metals that require melting or very large components arising from decommissioning. Cyclife also provides a range of consultancy and site project services to the UK decommissioning and waste management market, which is backed by a further range of treatment services and engineering provided by Cyclife France.